The discovery and ability to live in your true essence & your natural states of joy, love, inner peace & freedom lyes in your unique journey towards your liberated expression.

Hi! My birth name is Maria Beatriz Soto Digerolamo, born and raised in Ecuador, and I share my gifts as a Shamanic Sound Healer, Vocal Alchemist, Spiritual Life & Business Mentor, Ceremonialist & Medicine Woman.
I guide beautiful humans into Spirit Embodiment & Voice Liberation through creative authentic expression.
Through Shamanism I learned to live and create in ceremony, and now I support people in awakening the remembrance of their higher creative nature and true medicine by tapping into intuitive states of creative expression.

I guide you to embody your Spirit, your true life force and source of wealth, through creative practices and rituals to support your embodied healing expression.

My life journey through different countries and cultures has led to to a remembrance of my essence, because nothing in reflected a sense of belonging, so I had to create and find a home within, leading me to a journey of authentic embodiment. Discovering and embodying my soul gifts, embracing my dharma & devote to my true path!

Im here to remind you of your essence,  to activate the magic, remember the medicine & wealth within you.

I guide women into discovering their unique gifts and expanding the way they show up in the world, in all their relationships and their offers, by creating deep intimacy with their bodies, deep intimacy with nature, deep intimacy with the elements and Spirits and deep intimacy with their emotions, which leads to an activation of your inner nature, your inner natural wisdom.

I use different modalities to open your creative channel such as intuitive movement, shamanic soul journey, somatic and vocal soul language activation, as well as working holistically with the energetic subtleties of your inner and external nature.

I guide you deep into your body through somatic exploration, feminine energy embodiment, liberated and embodied expression, leading to the creation of your HEARTtistry.

You are the creator, you know answer, you hold the medicine, you are the one who creates art through your being.

I like to spice up the journey with play in a way that is fun for you, combining different cultures and modalities, some I studied & some I awakened within.  As my nature is playful, I like to play and combine science with magic.

With a background in Phycology and NLP, Energy Healing & Shamanism I use these techniques combined with Energetics & Quantum Physics, all within context of intentional Rituals and Ceremonial space holding. 

I spent years searching for answers and something to fulfil me, I moved to many countries to find my sense of home, but it wasn't until I looked within that I found the answers I was seeking, and Im here to guide you through your own journey home. A journey of remembering your true essence, creating a connection with your unique inner life force and  universal love source, activating the remembrance of your Medicine & Magic.
I do not claim to know all the answers, but I will always bring you back to your own greatest teacher and guide - YOURSELF. Our work together is about YOU, fully trusting, loving and believing in YOU. 

I believe in depth over distance, because deep roots are the anchor to strong growing trees that endure any weather and condition.

I AM a sparkle of deep joy! 
I OFFER YOU playful spicy sweet holy wisdom!
I EMBRACE YOU in fierce gentle love!